Board Meeting – September 18, 2024, 9:00 am – Creative Art Center Our Mission is to develop, promote, and encourage an interest in the arts. The Board Members present were Kristi Kuder, Ann Smith, Judi Celaschi, Shari Prigge, Sheryl Olson, David Beddow, Vanessa Sellner, Sue Kalseim, and ex-officio member Debbie Ness. The agenda was reviewed, with the addition of the 542 Foundation's request to rent the CAC for their event on September 28.
Minutes: August minutes were corrected to state that Vanessa was on the career force committee only, not on property support. David moved to approve the August board meeting minutes with the correction; Shari seconded; the motion passed. Financial report: Ann and Debbie presented the financial report. Sue moved to approve the financial report. David seconded; the motion passed. Old Business: Administrative Coordinator: three applications have been received. Candidates will be interviewed following the close of the posting on September 30. Staffing for CAC and Gallery: Vanessa provided an update on her conversation with the director of the MFIB work-study program. They have a potential student who could work Saturdays at CAC. Kristi will provide them with a job description. Also, Dan Ukkelberg, with the Battle Lake school work-study program, was contacted regarding potential student engagement for the Gallery and CAC. Stained-Glass Studio Project: Kristi met with Roger Parks. He approved the use of his donation to be used for this project. Unclaimed Art: a procedure for unclaimed art is still pending. Membership Survey: the membership survey responses were limited, therefore an additional request for responses will be added to the October newsletter. CAC and Gallery property support: The agreement with Galloping Goose will continue for lawn care and snow removal. Deb will draft an official contract for them to sign, New Business: Shari presented a request from the 542 Foundation to use the CAC for their Tastes, Toasts, and Traditions event on September 28. They would start setting up September 26, at which time the Prairie Lakes Plein Air exhibition will be taken down, David moved to approve the use of CAC for $1,200 which includes cleaning the facilities. Vanessa seconded; the motion passed. Staffing: with the loss of staff there is an urgent need for someone to assist with marketing AOTL education and performance programs. The Board approved Ann negotiating a contract with Tom Kuder to serve in the interim. Welcoming Week update: Welcoming Heros, supported by LACC is scheduled for this Friday, September 20 at 5 pm. On Saturday, September 21 the AOTL will sponsor the scavenger hunt, the best tomato recipe challenge, and the Heritage Potluck Community Dinner. Renewal notification for the CAC property is due Oct 1. Committee Updates (5 min or less each) Gallery: The rug replacement contract has been canceled. New rugs were purchased from Cosco. Lakeland Cleaning Services submitted a quote for a thorough cleaning, including windows, for the Gallery. Ann moved to accept the bid for a fall cleaning and schedule again in the Spring. Sheryl seconded; the motion passed. Debbie reported that the new bins are in place for bin art. CAC: The book launch of “Heartland, Heartwork: A Field Guide to Place and Possibility for Rural Leaders” sponsored by Springboard for the Arts is scheduled for September 26 from 5-6:30 pm at CAC. Representatives from Mural on the Wall will be present and AOTL will host a guided tour of local public art following the launch. Full details are posted on the AOTL website. The Prairie Lakes Plein Air exhibit will come down on September 26, and the Inspiration 24 member show will go up on October 3. Myron Sahlberg, the show judge will present the awards at the October 5 reception. Vanessa volunteered to design a map of CAC studios for posting at the entrance. Events Studio tour: no update Art & Craft Affair: no update Plein Air: the exhibition will come down on September 26. Notes from the debrief meeting are posted in the PLPA folder in Google Workplace. Phelps Mill: no update Fundraising and Grants: Grants Submitted: AOTL will be the fiscal agent for the Midwest Memory Grant through Forecast for the Arts. Judi moved to have AOTL join this initiative. Sheryl seconded; the motion passed. Grants In Proposed or in Process: A Spring LRAC Legacy grant will be submitted to introduce Opera as the entrance to multiple other art fields. T Mobile Hometown grant: due quarterly Technology grant with Shavlik: due November 1. LRAC Fall Legacy Grant of $12,500, for art learning and cultural workshops: due October 4. Operating Support Grant: due Dec 16. Ottertail Power grant: due Nov 1 Bush Foundation Arvig grant of $5000, for the Battle Lake Kids Art Program. Donations: Battle Lake Lions has donated $2,000 for the fall Battle Lake Kids Art Program. Marketing: Tom Kuder will be approached for the interim marketing position. Membership: Ann reported 213 on the membership roll, however, 54 are inactive. It was recommended that the membership committee be reinstated. Education / Programming: Shari will schedule a meeting to review the fall/winter program and include the promotion of the holiday season as a community event, Sheryl will join the programming committee, and Judi will drop off. An article for the Battle Lake Review for the AOTL fall program will be submitted. Performance: Ann S will join the committee. Sue moved to adjourn. The next Board Meeting will be on October 16, 2024.
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