In attendance: John O., Debbie, Craig, Annette, Ruth. Zoom: Mary L., Tom and Kristi, JT. Guest: Ann Smith. Motion to accept the December minutes; JT, second: John O., carried Financials (Tom K)
Tom introduced Ann Smith, who is considering the treasurer position for AOTL. She lives on Otter Tail Lake, has been an Associate Professor for 40 years, teaches at Wahpeton Science School, has experience with running a volunteer organization, and is familiar with Quick Books and spreadsheets. We thank her for considering this position! Tom is waiting for accountant Trent to do the end of year depreciation on all our physical assets. Membership dues are at about half of normal year total so far...not out of the ordinary for this time of year. Wild Apricot sent out reminders and will continue to remind for membership. Discussion on Gift Certificates: Trent recommends that they not be a separate line item, just absorb them. Motion to approve financials: Kristi, second: Craig, carried Old Business Discussion on Interns Do we consider Interns as Contractors or as Employees? Employee definition is 1-use our equipment, 2-are in our place of business, 3-have set hours...then we need withholding taxes, etc. We have previously considered them as Contractors. Trent and Tom recommend considering Interns as Employees. This would create a little more accounting work and needs to be communicated with the Interns. John O brought up an exception for long as Interns come in without replacing another person, it is OK to consider them as Contractors. John O. will look into this more and will get back to Tom. Discussion on Payroll Processing John Shaw, Tom, and Debbie will sign checks. Trent agreed to process payroll each quarter. Debbie should be paid every 2 weeks. Trent will review along with tax filings for $30-60/mo. Motion to accept- JT, second-Ruth, carried. Plein Air (John O) John O. is meeting with Red Wing and Outdoor Painters of MN about a joint display. Kristi will update notices for reminders to previous entries. Newlsetter (Tom) Newsletter goes out to 350 people each month. Discussion on hardcopy and print size. Membership Dan and Sandy Thimgan are considering taking lead positions on the Membership Committee. They would like feedback on membership and their printout on Shopkeep Training. An option is a video on How to be a Good Gallery Sitter. Tom would add Dan and Sandy as Administrators on Wild Apricot. Studio Tour (Kristi) So far 14 have signed up..deadline is March 31. We have adjusted the commission rate to 20% up to $1500, with 10% above that. Art and Craft Affair (Debbie) 30 vendors so far Workshops (Kristi) 14 workshops planned which is sizable compared to the past, with some 2-day workshops. A grant was submitted last week to fund 6 workshops. Kathrine McDowell will take on overseeing the workshops. There will be 4-5 Paint-outs at Gendalough. JohnO. will call Kyle about Silversmithing along with Potomac Bead Co. Kathrine will head up Egg Decorating at LACC on April 1. Mary Williams will lead another workshop in Hardanger at the Gallery. LACC is coordinating a Calendar for All Events in the area. The Executive Director at LACC will get info to Debbie to get on the Calendar and Debbie will get the info contact to Kristi. Framing Discount (Kristi) Bridget's Framing in Perham is willing to give a 20% discount to AOTL Gallery Members. It needs to be a piece that is on display in the gallery. And also a 10% discount on bin work purchased from AOTL Gallery -need to being the receipt in for discount. Discussion on verification for members. Local framer is also considering a similar offer. Juried Art Show (Kristi) AOTL will have a Juried Show at MN State in Fergus Falls in September (after Labor Day - October), with submissions due in June. Discussion on awards, fees, and jury. Other discussions Terms expiring this year are: John O., Mary L., John S.,JT, Ruth. We are to consider this and discuss next month. Mary L. encouraged communications with Springboard for the Arts on workshops on Art Business. There was a very small Job Fair this year, so are searching for 2022 interns on HandShake - received info on one person who looks promising. Printer/Copier: The Liberty is beyond servicing. Is there a need for a Laptop? We qualified for an $8000 Operating Grant for this year and next year. GREAT! Brad W. offered his Bird Bath as a fundraising opportunity for AOTL. Discussion: would other artists contribute?, raffle? silent auction? Committee to finalize plans for fundraising opportunity? Debbie is looking into opportunities for Local Art Displays Motion to Adjourn- Ruth, Second-JT, carried. Submitted by Ruth Hanson
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