May 9, 2023, 9:30 am CST AOTL Gallery/Zoom Our Mission is to develop, promote, and encourage an interest in the arts. Board members present: Kristi Kuder, Shanna Cramer, Sue Kalseim, Kathrine McDowell Ann Smith, and Mary Jo Wentz, Employee: Debbie Ness. Absent: Judi Celaschi Agenda: Additions:
New Business: Blandin Grant Site Exchange Opportunity, Fundraising/Grants: Money for PLPA awards. Minutes: Sue K moved to approve the Minutes from the April 11 Board Meeting. The motion was seconded. The motion was approved. Financial Report: Debbie Ness and Treasurer Ann Smith. Deb and Ann will meet before the June meeting to recategorize some entries to help clarify income and expenses in QuickBooks. Katherine M. moved to approve the financial report. Seconded. The motion was approved. Statement of Activity Statement of Financial Position Committee Updates
New Business
Motion by Shanna to adjourn. Seconded Next Board Meeting - June 13, 2023, at 9:30 am CST AOTL Gallery/Zoom Comments are closed.
December 2024